Business Coaching for Stylists

Don’t get me wrong. Great image consulting and styling skills are important to building a business, but they are not enough. You also need a clear vision and manageable, yet consistent action steps to get you there. Let me help you develop a thriving business and bring out the best in yourself and your clients!

I know from whence I speak. I’ve had a successful image consulting and styling business for almost 20 years. But I didn’t get there on my own. I, myself, have worked with a variety of coaches along the way.

This I know for sure.

Working with a professional coach brings a whole host of benefits: a fresh perspective on perceived challenges, enhanced decision-making skills, greater clarity and increased confidence. And the list of benefits does not end there!

Those who work with a coach may also expect:

  • Better organization and systemization
  • Greater productivity and profitability
  • Additional tools, support and structure for success
  • Enhanced personal and professional satisfaction
  • Increased work-life balance

Are you interested in learning more about my business coaching for image consultants and stylists? Read on or contact me for details.

Here’s how it works.

We connect virtually once per week via phone or video call (in most cases for about 12 weeks, although single, “coach on call” sessions are available). In between, you’re free to email me your progress, questions, and concerns. Each session is customized for you and covers those areas where you need support.

Some of the areas we might address include: services, pricing, packages, marketing and promotion, tools, resources, vendors and so on. In addition to acting as your confidant, coach and cheerleader, my role is to help you with your ABCs:

A: Take Action and be Accountable
B: Break through any Barriers and Build your Business
C: Consult with Confidence

As a seasoned industry veteran, I’ve stood in your shoes.

I’ve experienced the ups and downs and every emotion in between. I’ve had many successes, but also my share of pitfalls along the way. And I know the value of being coached by someone that knows the nuances of this particular industry first-hand and is willing to offer support and guidance.

I coach other consultants because I know you love this business and helping others as much as I do. I also know that it’s scary to shift from a hobby to business-mode…and it’s even scarier to start your own thing. But I don’t want fear to stop you from doing what you want to do. What you’re here to do. What you’re meant to do.

Take that first step with a complimentary 30-minute intro call.