Success Sessions

When working with clients, do you ever find yourself in a situation where you feel ill-equipped?
Do you have difficulty translating what you have learned in theory with what you do in practice?
Do you experience any doubts about your methodology, menu of services, promotion, pricing or any other part of your business?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you are in good company.

Even if you’ve received excellent training and have a few years in business, sometimes you don’t know what you don’t know, until it comes up. What’s more the business of image and style is complex and ever-changing. And, no two clients are alike.

Success sessions offer you a safe space to share, in confidence, your practices, process, peaks, and pitfalls.

These sessions are tailor made for you, by you. You choose the topic(s) you would like to cover, the duration of the session (minimum 90 minutes), and how you’d like to meet (by Zoom, phone or in person). Book a series of sessions or simply a one-off session, as needed. The choice is yours.

The benefits are many.

Consultants have shared that, as a result of these sessions, they have strengthened their skills, developed better tools and techniques, and improved the way they work with clients. With just a single session, many consultants gain more confidence in their delivery and are better equipped in their business.

While it’s true that as an entrepreneur you may work on your own, you don’t have to go it alone. I’m here to help you tackle whatever challenge you may face. Contact me and learn how you can move forward with clarity, confidence, and ease.