Business and Life Lessons Learned

Time passes quickly. It seems like just yesterday I started my image consulting business.  Quite the contrary. In fact, I was recently invited to speak to the image consulting community about the top 20 lessons I’ve learned during my 20 years in business. Admittedly, it was challenging to distill it all down to just 20 takeaways! But that aside, it was a wonderful opportunity to share the pearls of wisdom I’ve received from my incredible mentors, teachers, colleagues and clients, as well share as my own discoveries (and missteps) along the way.

Upon reflection, I realize that many of the lessons I revealed not only apply to the work that I do, but the life that I lead. While some of my ah-has are seemingly simple, I know that they are not to be minimized because they’ve helped me become the person I am today. As a coach, I understand that a good deal of life’s lessons must be learned through personal experience. However certain lessons, when shared, can help ease the way for others. With that in mind, I’ve recounted several of my most important takeaways from business, with the hope that something will inspire you either in either your work or life.

You’re already ready.  So many of us wait to do something until we’re ready. But what exactly does that mean? Often, we can’t qualify (or quantify) what ready is. Chances are, you’ve got enough of the knowledge, resources and tools to at least get started. So, believe that you are ready now and trust you will gain whatever else is necessary, as you move forward.

There is no such thing as a mistake – There are no mistakes, only opportunities to learn and grow.  When things go awry as they sometimes will, ask yourself what you can take away for the next time.

Trust your intuition. Intuition is a “knowing” or at least an inkling to take action, be careful or take note that something is off. It is subtle and often overlooked. But it exists for a reason – to help you make the right choices. Ignoring it often leads to regret, so learn to listen to that little voice inside of you.

Go beyond your comfort zone. What you want most is probably not out of your reach. It may simply be out of your comfort zone.  By stepping out, even just a little bit, you will build your courage and your confidence.

Continue to learn and grow. Stay curious. Take classes. Expand your base of knowledge. There’s no better way I know to stay engaged and relevant (and be more interesting to others) than to broaden your horizons.

Embrace your uniqueness. I’m not sure if it’s heightened by social media, but many of us get pulled into the place of “compare and despair.” Know that you are and special and exquisite and wonderful. Don’t be afraid to make an unusual choice or be different.  Chances are you’ll inspire others to do the same.

Self-care is not selfish. How can you be your best self – for your family, for your business, for yourself – if you don’t take the time to recharge your battery? We all need some “me” time. Think of it not as a luxury, but as a necessity.

This, too, shall pass. Who among us doesn’t fixate on something that didn’t go our way? But think about something you had been hyper-focused on in the past and how it is now a distant memory in your rear-view mirror.  As a species, we are resilient and often able to move through things far more quickly than we realize.

Be generous. Winston Churchill is quoted as saying, “We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.”  So be it in business or life, give back and pay it forward. Share freely. See the best in others. Be generous because it feels good, not because someone is watching, or you expect something in return.

My last lesson is this…It’s not about the destination; it’s all about the journey. When we get too caught up in future results, we don’t take the time to be present and enjoy the here and now. Remember to savor each step you take and the lessons you learn along the way.