Holiday Dressing: How to Handle a Fashion Emergency

Has this ever happened to you? You rush home to change for a holiday party. You grab the outfit you planned to wear, but panic sets in when you realize there’s a problem with one of the pieces. You find yourself in a fashion frenzy trying to figure out Plan B.  Or, maybe you’re already at the party. Everyone else is having a great time, but you’re distracted by a wardrobe malfunction. Your holiday cheer is hijacked as you trouble-shoot your style snafu.

If this has happened to you, you’re not alone. I can’t tell you how many clients have called me (some in real time) with a fashion S.O.S. While I am always happy to help, I am reminded of a quote, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”  So, with that said, I’ve popped open my fashion emergency kit to share what’s inside. My hope is that some of the contents will help you avoid (or handle) an unexpected fashion hiccup, at the holidays or any time of the year.

Blister stick – No matter the season, if you are on your feet for an extended period, your feet may swell, making footwear feel tight and blisters a possibility. If you think there’s even a chance that your party shoes might bring on a pesky blister, preemptively swipe a blister stick over any potential “ouch” areas.

Deodorant removal sponge – Even though you’re careful, there always seems to be a bit of deodorant that lands on clothing, resulting in those unsightly white streaks. When this happens, don’t wet the garment, as this can set the deodorant into the fabric. Instead, wipe away the white streak with a dry sponge. (Note: dryer sheets or hanger foam can also work.)

Fashion tape (A.K.A. double-sided tape) – There are so many uses for this item. It’s perfect for a blouse that gaps, a pant hem that unravels, or a collar that won’t stay down. I have also been known to stick some on a bra strap, ensuring my tank strap stay put and my bra strap stays covered. Bonus: fashion tape can also double as a lint remover.

Hairspray – Sure hairspray provides lasting hold for your lovely locks, but a little-known fact is that it also works in a pinch to remove static from clothing. Of course there are also anti-static sprays made solely for this purpose, but admittedly I like the double-duty aspect of hairspray. There’s also a good chance that hairspray already lives in your beauty drawer.

Heel caps – Granted, you probably don’t pay much attention to your shoe’s heel tip. But even a brief encounter with a sidewalk crack or grate can leave you with a missing heel cap and potential damage to your prized pumps. Heel caps are good for repairing your worn heel tips, preventing heel tips from wearing down, or protecting your shoes from daily wear and tear.

Mini-sewing kit/safety pins– Be it a hem or a button or a zipper, you just never know when something is going to give way. And while I’m the first one to bring a major fix-it job to the professionals, I’ve always got a needle and thread – and safety pins – at the ready. What’s more, I recommend that you leave a few safety pins in every bag that you own.  (Trust me on this.)

Shout wipes – If you are prone to stains like I am, you’ll want to buy these in bulk. Just like safety pins, you’ll want to stash a few in your desk drawer and evening bag, just in case.

Vaseline – There’s a reason they call it the wonder jelly! It can smooth frizzy or fly-away hair and tame/control unruly eyebrows. It can prevent hair dye from staining your skin and stop lipstick from getting on your teeth. You can also use it to buff out a scuff in your shoe and bring it back to its original luster.

Wrinkle-releaser – It happened to us all. You pull something out, thinking it’s ready-to-wear, but find that it’s wrinkle-city. When there’s no time to iron or steam, a wrinkle-release spray is a lifesaver!

With party season in full swing, there’s no better time than now to stock up on these fashion fixers. Speaking of fashion fixers…If you’d like any assistance with online shopping or creating holiday looks from your closet, please don’t hesitate to contact me. Santa’s Style Helper (yours truly) is booking appointments through 12/30.

Happy holidays~