Weekly Intentions to Step into 2020

Many of us start the year by making New Year’s resolutions. This is admirable for sure, but it begs the question…Why wait until December 31st to take steps toward self-improvement? Convention aside, there’s no need to wait for a new year to make – and benefit from – positive changes. If you’re thinking of making some shifts for 2020, why not begin today?

Admittedly, I am a “don’t-put-off-until-tomorrow-what-you-can-do-today” kind of gal. This is probably why I’ve forgone New Year’s resolutions in lieu of setting weekly intentions.  I view these intentions as opportunities to help me, in real time, adapt new thought patterns and behaviors that serve me better. Often these intentions have offered the right message, at the right time, to help me take action in areas where I had been inexplicably stuck.

What follows below are some of my Facebook posts of weekly intentions that have been the most meaningful for me, my clients, and my followers (smile). Whatever your process for change and moving forward, I hope something in these will help make the last few weeks of 2019 your best yet.

Here’s to ending 2019 on an up note~

Embrace gratitude every day. There are so many benefits to being grateful. Gratitude makes us happier, reduces stress, improves relationships, and so much more. Now that we’re on the other side of Thanksgiving, it makes me wonder…How do we make gratitude a habit? This morning I am grateful for things big and small…from my loved ones and health, to the froth in my latte and my warm boots. How about you?

Focus on one thing at a time. Chances are you are playing a little catch up after a busy, fun-filled weekend. (I’m with you!) With that, the feeling of overwhelm may have started to surface. But instead of letting it take over, what if we fought the urge to stress and multi-task, and instead, decided to breathe and focus on one thing at a time? I bet the days would be filled with more ease and flow.

Just breathe. While the holidays are a special time that fills our hearts with family, friends and festivities, it’s also a hectic – and often stressful – time. When feeling stressed (or over-extended or rushed) what if we simply took a moment to breathe? A few deep breaths can promote a feeling of peace and well-being, as well as quiet our mind and help us cope. It’s quite amazing. Try it.

Be courageous. There’s no such thing as being fearless. (We are all afraid of something.) But being courageous is the ability to move forward, despite the fear. Ironically enough, the anxiety we feel about doing something we’re afraid of is often more uncomfortable than the thing itself. So, what if we felt the fear, but took action anyway?

Clear the mind of “I can’t.” It’s amazing how much our negative self-talk can prevent us from moving forward. How often do we tell ourselves that we “can’t” do something when really, we can…but there’s a four-letter word (fear) that gets in the way? Here’s something to try.  When the word “can’t” pops up, ask yourself what’s behind it and what opportunities are being missed because of it? Then consider a word swap from “I can’t” to “I could.” Then substitute “I could” to “I can.” And finally, “I can” to “I will.” Notice what opens up with a change of words and mindset.

Don’t compare one life to another. We are all exceptional, with our own unique gifts and talents and strengths. Yet sometimes we fall under the spell of “compare and despair.” I get it. It’s almost impossible not to, given the (social media) world of overshare in which we live. But what if we stopped beating ourselves up for all that we are not and instead embraced all that we are? Let’s all stop benchmarking ourselves against others and bask in the glory of our own brilliance and beauty.

Don’t think. Do. How many of us spend too long in the thinking phase…talking, planning, waiting for the perfect time. Just thinking about something won’t do any good unless we act on it. Let now be the time we all start something that we’ve been thinking about. And while we’re at it…Let’s not judge the size of our steps but rather applaud the direction in which we are headed.