A Case for Getting Dressed

When in Doubt, Get Dressed

There’s no doubt about it…These are uncertain times. Many of us are still trying to find our “sea legs.” And, understandably, the focus may not be on what we are wearing. But tempting as it can be to stay in feet-y pajamas and slippers all day, most of us feel, and actually ARE, more productive when we get dressed.  Believe it or not, it’s a proven fact. Several years ago, researchers at Northwestern University found that the clothing we wear affects our psychological state, as well as our performance levels. They dubbed this “enclothed cognition.”


The aha! here is that you can intentionally choose to wear clothing that will promote a more desirable psychological state and enhance your performance. This includes all areas of your life, from day to play. In the context of your career, you might think of this as a competitive edge. It’s a message that I’ve touted for years when speaking to corporate groups. When you look the part, you feel and act the part and, as a result, you stand apart.

But what about now, when you are in WFH mode and may not be leaving the house for the foreseeable future?

Truth be told, it’s more important than ever to get up, show up (metaphorically), and dress up, even if no one sees you. Not so sure? Beyond a “dress for success” mindset, here are four solid reasons why you will want to swap out your sweats, not to mention do your hair, and put your best face forward.

Routine – Ever notice that, after a long vacation, you’re sad that the vacation is over, but happy to be back and settle into your regular routine?  You’re not alone. As human beings, we like to feel safe and a large part of feeling safe has to do with the comfort that comes from our regular routine. Unlike many familiar things which have gone by the wayside, getting dressed is a daily ritual that continues. It is a simple act, yet one that can ground you and give you a sense of control, amidst the chaos.

Self-love – The ritual of selecting a great outfit and putting yourself together is an act of kindness that you show yourself. It demonstrates self-respect and an understanding that you deserve to look and feel pretty (or handsome) every day, regardless of what you are doing or where you are doing it. Even though you may be self-isolating, why would you want to deprive yourself of the sheer pleasure of looking – and feeling – fabulous?

Week vs. Weekend – Am I the only one that is losing track of the days?  Since most of us are not leaving the house, a Tuesday can easily feel like a Saturday (and vice versa). It begs the question…How do you delineate your week? As one who has worked from home for years, I find getting dressed for work Monday thru Friday is the easiest way I know to bookend my week and distinguish work time from play time.

Zoom Boom – Chances are your WFH lifestyle includes video conferencing. So, while physically, you may not be in the same room as your co-worker or client, you are still with them – and so is the image you project. What you wear speaks volumes about you. What would you like your clothing to say? Beyond work, video calls have also become a great source of personal connection. Whether you are virtually gathering for a Sunday brunch with family or a happy hour with friends, why wouldn’t you honor the occasion and get dressed like you normally would?

The bottom line is this. It’s not just about the clothes you wear. It’s also about how you feel when you wear them. When getting dressed in the coming weeks – and beyond – consider this. What clothing makes you feel like your most attractive, commanding, creative, captivating, smart, sassy, stylish self? Chances are, it’s not your baggy sweatpants or flannel nightshirt.

Stay well and stylish~