Tips to Tackle a Few Extra Pounds

The self-isolation and stress of the past six months have certainly taken a toll on us all. How have you been coping?  Perhaps you have been keeping busy and cleaned out a closet or two. Or maybe you’ve taken the opportunity to learn a new skill or adopt a new hobby. The good news is that you’ve probably crossed off quite a few things on your to do list.  The not-as-good news is that you may have also put on a few extra pounds in the process.

If you find there is a little more of you to love these days, know that you are not alone. A recent poll of more than 1,000 U.S. readers of WebMD revealed that nearly half of the women and almost one-quarter of the men experienced a weight gain during the pandemic.

But if Covid has taught us anything, it’s to remember what is truly important and to put things in perspective. So, while an uptick in your weight may not make you ecstatic, it is not the end of the world either. That said, if the arrival of summer has inspired you to drop a few pandemic pounds, here are a handful of tips to help you get started.

Set SMART goals.  The key here is the “ART” and to set yourself up for success.  Ask yourself if your weight loss goal is (a)chievable and (r)ealistic in the (t)ime period you have specified. Try to make friends with the fact that you didn’t gain the weight overnight, so you are not going to lose it overnight. Be sure to set goals that are attainable and to celebrate your achievements along the way.

Make meals memorable. Banish the thought of skipping a meal or the latest fad diet. Instead focus your efforts on nourishing your body and enjoying your food. Ensure that your meals are large enough to be filling and satisfying enough to resist excessive snacking.  Up the ambiance with dinner music and your “good” dishes. Practice mindful eating by chewing slowly and paying attention to each bite. And please…put your phone away!

Listen to your body. When you need a boost, do you reach for a snack as a default? Many of us do, but your body may be craving something entirely different. Maybe you’re thirsty? Or tired? Or need to stretch?  It’s easy to confuse these other needs with hunger. However, if you’re trying to lose weight it’s important to distinguish the difference. When you find yourself in a mid-afternoon slump, check in with how you are feeling and ask yourself, “What does my body really need?”

Dress like you mean it. Nothing says “I’ve given up” or “I don’t care” faster than an over-sized T-shirt or a baggy pair of sweats. Studies have shown that what you wear affects your psychological state and how you perform. So, whether you’re working out or working in front of your computer, make sure to dress in a way that feels good and visually motivates you.

Step away from the scale. Resist the temptation to step on the scale every day. With daily water fluctuations, your body weight (and as a result, your emotions) can go up and down, and potentially sabotage your efforts. Most diet experts believe that a once-a-week weigh-in, at the same time of the day, will give you a more accurate picture of your progress.

Manage your mindset. So many of us have a complicated relationship with our weight. Often, we use unkind words to describe ourselves when we are not at our goal weight. What if, instead of focusing on a number, you focused on embracing a few, lifestyle shifts to improve your overall health and well-being? And what if you were gentler and more loving to yourself along the way?

Remember…You are so much more than the number on a scale.

As for your “ideal” weight? It’s the one that allows you to live your healthiest and best life. So, if that means refocusing your attention and making some different choices, go for it. If not, know that it’s OK.  Wherever you’re at, remember to practice self-compassion and self-love – especially during this difficult time.

Note:  If you’d like some assistance selecting the clothing that honors your body, makes you blissfully happy, and empowers you to achieve your goals (weight loss or otherwise), please contact me. I’d love to nothing more than to help you embrace your best self. 

Stay well~