Send Up A Flair

From The Boca Raton Observer, by Elyssa Goodman, August 26, 2021

Stylish, Smart Accessories Can Turn A Business Ensemble Into A Personal Brand

When you’re trying to make an impact in the business world, a well-thought-out accessory can strengthen your presence. “Accessories are a real way that people have to personalize and punctuate their style statement,” says image consultant Carol Davidson of New York City based Carol Davidson, Inc. She adds that they “are a really wonderful way to set yourself apart from your co-workers and competition.” Whether you’re attiring yourself for a meeting or an interview, Davidson offers some indelible ways to let accessories add to your influence.

Think From Head To Toe

Business is increasingly dominated by Zoom meetings, so you want to be dressed for success where people can see it, or, as Davidson says, “From the armpit up.” People pay attention to what’s closest to the face. For women, this can be a statement necklace, for men a pocket square. Eyewear is a universal addition. “Create a focal point,” Davidson says, but “you never want to distract, you want to enhance.”

If you’re meeting in person, keep in mind that people really do look you up and down. “We’ve been doing it probably since caveman times just to assess whether someone is a threat or not,” Davidson laughs. So remember, your shoes are just as important as what’s near your face.

The Devil’s In The Details

“Sometimes it’s the little things that can add to, or take away from, an impeccable image,” Davidson says. Especially in South Florida, think about flattering sunglasses that have character. Your technological items matter, too. “Everything from the phone that you use, the phone cover, our earbuds — all of that goes a long way in the impression that we make,” she explains. When it comes to a bag, you’ll want something timeless and tasteful with a personal touch and perhaps a pop of color, but avoid logos if you can. You should even think about the quality of your umbrellas and pens.

Stay Balanced

Davidson recommends thinking about accessory choices like actors in a movie. “There should be a lead actor and there should be supporting actors,” she says. “You want one accessory to really take the lead and I think that should be close to the face, the command center. The other accessories should be in support of that.”

Read the full article by at the Boca Raton Observer