Less is More

I completely agree—especially when it comes to clothing. My mission has always been to help clients create more outfits with fewer pieces (mix, match, and multiply). Now, the rest of the world seems to on board with this idea, given the current economy. In fact, I recently read about the web challenge encouraging a “shopping diet” – the premise being that you can only wear six pieces of clothing—that you already own—for an entire month. (Thankfully, accessories are exempt from the six items.) Many have tried this. Some have succeeded, but more have failed.  I like the idea, but find it hard to believe that only six pieces will give you the range of options needed, given our complex lives and all of the places we are expected to ‘show up.’ That said, I do think there should be a core of items in everyone’s closet that can be dressed up or down, and used for almost any situation that may come up. However, I believe a more realistic number to hover somewhere around 12-15 pieces. How does that compare to the number of pieces in your closet? Food for thought…

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