The GQ Guide to Suits: Career Gear’s Life-Changing Suits


Carol Davidson, a New York–based image consultant and life coach who teaches classes on image consultation at the Fashion Institute of Technology, explains that interviewers make these connections subconsciously. Davidson calls it the dotted-line effect, explaining that those in positions of power draw implicit inferences:

[mk_blockquote style=”quote-style” font_family=”none” text_size=”12″ align=”left”]“If you pay attention to the details in your appearance and your wardrobe—dot, dot, dot—you pay attention to the details in your work.”[/mk_blockquote]

About Carol Davidson

I’m Carol Davidson — certified image consultant and life coach, speaker, and educator. For almost 25 years, I’ve helped countless clients celebrate their unique qualities, and embody true confidence. From revamping your wardrobe to easing you into a new phase of life, I create a safe, supportive space to help you take on whatever you want to create next.