Love at First Sight

Those of you that know me know that I believe that those of us lucky enough to wear eyewear (and I do mean lucky) should really own it.  The truth is no one truly understands the power of the right eyewear until they experience it themselves.  The right glasses put a spring in your step.  You feel glam – almost larger than life.  And there is a feeling of  ‘I can accomplish anything’ with the right pair.  (Note the genuine smile I am sporting to the left with my new pair 2016.01.20 Carol in New Sunglassesof sunnies.)

But what makes the right pair, well right?  While I am about to share some tips for buying eyewear (with the help of eyewear expert Ruth Domber, owner of 10/10 Optics, NYC) please know that first and foremost there needs to be an instant attraction once you put them on.  Your eyewear has to speak to your heart (much like that person you see across the room).  But since we can fall in love multiple times (and with multiple pairs) here are some more tangible guidelines.

It’s so hue.  The right pair of glasses should complement your personal coloring.  Look to repeat the undertone of your skin with the undertone of your glasses.  For instance, people with warmer undertones look better in Undertonewarmer frames while cooler complexions are most flattered by cooler frames.  In addition, the frames should bring out your eyes.  Note:  this does not necessarily mean repeating your eye color (although doing so is never “wrong”).  However you might also think about the clothing colors you wear to enhance your appearance as these are the precisely the colors you’d want to wear on your face.

No two are alike. Your eyewear should look as personal as your Patternsignature.  In addition to paying attention to color cues, Ruth loves to fit eyewear that is “tactile, textured and dimensional.”  She adds,” Natural materials and fibers such as wood, horn, granite and leather not only add visual interest but bring elegant distinction.”

Shop by shape.  The key to finding the right frames is to remember that opposites attract. Select eyeglasses that contrast your facial contours and Shapebring symmetry and balance to your prominent features.  It is often helpful to think about your face shape. Remember, the best frames also echo the shape of your brows. According to Ruth, your eyewear can be your make up. “You can create angles or softness, definition or distraction. Choose to enhance and bring attention to features you’d like to show off, and illusions you’d like to create.  For example, if your eyebrow is weak, the contour of the frame can create or complete your brow line.”

Pay attention to your personal pie chart.  No matter how we slice it, there are only 168 hours in a week.  Ask yourself: 1) how you spend your (awake) time 2) which activities you will do while wearing your eyeglasses Lifestyle Pie Chartand 3) how might your eyeglass requirements change for each activity?  For example if you exercise, you might want a more durable, sporty frame – perhaps with transitional lenses.  At work, you might want a “smart” frame that conveys authority and business savvy.  For after hours and evening, you might want a pair that says, “Come hither.” Just like with clothing, you will want a wardrobe of eyewear that can take you from day to play.

What’s your style personality?  Is your clothing more sporty, romantic, traditional, elegant, casual or dramatic?  Your eyewear should resonate with What's Your Style 2your clothing, your look and your overall vibe.  Since it is the first accessory people notice, you will want to make sure that it is in synch with who you are – or who you aspire to be.  This may mean stretching a bit outside of your comfort zone.  Adds Ruth, “When we take the leap away from the familiar into the extraordinary the joy is tangible.”

Accessorize with impact.  My feeling is this. Unlike other accessories, you wear your eyewear every day.  They should make you look and feel confident, attractive and strong.  Ruth says it best… “We all agree that the right shoe is very important, but truthfully what do people see first, your feet or your face?”

Clearly Ruth and I see eye to eye (smile).

About Carol Davidson

I’m Carol Davidson — certified image consultant and life coach, speaker, and educator. For almost 25 years, I’ve helped countless clients celebrate their unique qualities, and embody true confidence. From revamping your wardrobe to easing you into a new phase of life, I create a safe, supportive space to help you take on whatever you want to create next.