The best way to beat the heat? Focus on fabric. Natural fibers pull heat away from your body, keeping you happily air conditioned. A dress made of rayon may appear lightweight and floaty, but it will do nothing other than trap heat. Look for clothing contents that include cotton, linen and hemp. Color also plays an important role in staying cool. Darker colors attract high temperatures, so opt for lighter ones which actually deflect the sun and are more relevant to the season. You may also want to play with prints, as they are more forgiving than solids when it comes camouflaging perspiration stains. There’s no better time than now to ditch the closed-toe pumps and opt for more seasonally appropriate peep toes, strappy sandals and slides. A great pedicure is not only mandatory, but also soothing to hot, swollen and tired feet. Don’t forget to throw some Band Aids and baby powder into your bag for any pesky irritations or blisters that may come your way.