New Years Resolutions That Are Easy to Embrace

It’s a new year with new possibilities. While I “take stock” every January, this year I’m doing it without piling on the pressure. I’m still on vacation – embracing 3 square meals, 8 hours of sleep and (in general) more play than work. I’d like to hold onto a few of these good habits – not to mention a sense of calm and balance – even after I return home.  Toward this end, I’ve decided to be gentle on myself with my new year’s resolutions…and I encourage you to do the same.

As you know, making New Year’s resolutions is the easy part – it’s keeping them that’s the challenge!  Experts say the hiccup centers around making resolutions that are not specific and realistic.  Separate but related, periodically reviewing the reason why you made the resolution in the first place is also important.  And of course giving yourself little rewards along the way doesn’t hurt either!

To help set you up for successes, I wanted to share a handful of New Year’s resolutions that are easy to embrace because they will help you look, feel and be your best. Who wouldn’t want a little of that for the new year?

1.  Indulge in one ‘treat’ every week.  It doesn’t have to be expensive, but it does have to make you happy.    (So far, I’ve indulged in a new lipstick.)

2.  Go for a bra fitting.  You’ll instantly feel 5 pounds thinner, 5 years younger and 5 times more vibrant.

3.  Handle three pieces of paper every day.  Let’s face it.  The pile of papers did not accumulate overnight so it will not disappear that way either.  Chip away at it every day and know that, before long, you’ll see progress!  (By the way, the ‘chip away at it’ theory holds true for any big project.)

4.  Integrate one new color into your wardrobe.  After all, one does not live on black alone!

5.  Be generous with your compliments.  If you see someone wearing something that looks terrific, make their day and tell them. There is no better feeling than helping to put a spring in someone else’s step!

6.  Stop buying “hand wash” only clothing.  Who has time to hand wash??  I also encourage you to invest in a steamer because chances are you don’t have time to iron either.

7.  Be gentle with yourself.  This goes for everything from a slow start to a diet to not crossing things off your to do list. The way you would encourage and support a friend is exactly the way you should treat yourself.

8.  Expand your clothing horizon. Try a new style, store or designer – even though it may seem out of your comfort zone.   You never know when you’ll find a new favorite.

9.  Go through your closet and select at least three pieces to donate to charity.  Let’s face it…We all have too much in our closets and there is probably someone else out there who could really use these items.

10.  Take a daily time out. Take fifteen minutes a day to do something that you really enjoy, but don’t usually make time for.  Maybe it’s going for a short walk at lunch; thumbing through your favorite magazine or taking a cat nap.  You’ll be surprised at how just fifteen minutes of ‘you’ time can help you feel centered and ready to tackle whatever comes your way.

Happy 2017…Here’s to an amazing year!