
Image Consultations for Consultants

I know you do this—or are studying to do this—for a living. So, it begs the question…why would you even consider booking a professional image consultation? Here are three solid reasons why.

Hands-On Learning.

Rather than just reading about image concepts and services, experiencing them offers you another way to learn. All of the image theory you’ve studied provides a great foundation, but if you are curious about what actually happens during a color, style and image consultation (the steps, timing, takeaways etc.) there’s no better way to learn than to book a consultation.

Your Wardrobe Q’s—Asked and Answered.

Do you ever have questions about your own wardrobe? Here’s a dirty little secret. Most image consultants hire image consultants. Why? Just because we can be objective and solve the wardrobe wows of others does not necessarily mean that we can see ourselves objectively and/or have all the clothing and accessory answers for ourselves.


Every consultant should experience what it f-e-e-l-s like to be the client. Think about it. We ask our clients a lot of (sometimes personal) questions. We analyze their physical characteristics. We assess their wardrobes and ask them to be open to our recommendations and seeing themselves in a different light. But how can we understand the possible range of emotions and aha! moments unless we have experienced it ourselves?

Book an initial color, style, and image consultation with me to learn more about the process—and yourself! Contact me for details.