Tips to Tackle a Few Extra Pounds

The self-isolation and stress of the past six months have certainly taken a toll on us all. How have you been coping?  Perhaps you have been keeping busy and cleaned out a closet or two. Or maybe [...]

Evolution, Not Resolution

Happy 2018! The start of a new year is an exciting time when many of us reflect on our past accomplishments, reconnect to our values and recommit to our goals.  Often we look to adopt new habits, [...]

The Benefits of a Few More Years

Let me start by saying that on most days, I feel like a kid. I’m often surprised if someone calls me “ma’am” and not “miss” and I wonder why I’m not carded more often.  I am also stunned that [...]

5 Reasons to Get More Sleep

In the past I have been guilty of skimping on this precious commodity. Loving a sense of accomplishment, I used to almost always try to cross one more thing off my to-do list before my head hit [...]

Why You Should Take a Day Off

Take a Tuesday off?  What a concept.  As a solopreneur and self-proclaimed workaholic, I am not in the habit of taking time off during the week. But yesterday offered a wonderful opportunity – a [...]

Makeover you Morning Routine

How do you greet your day? Do you dash out the door feeling refreshed and ready or do you instead feel fatigued and frazzled?  If frequently experience the ladder, you’re not alone. From beauty [...]

Sexy is a State of Mind

With Valentine’s Day almost here, there’s no shortage of articles about how to look sexy. Higher heels, shorter skirts, tighter jeans…the list of sometimes formulaic and uncomfortable options [...]